
ISO 20022 messaging: Harnessing data as a product

With compliance deadlines fast approaching, banks and payment service providers (PSPs) must work with increased urgency to enable messaging over the ISO 20022 standard.

Two people presenting on stage with a data graph projected behind them
Is Your Bank Losing IT Talent to Fintechs? Here’s How to Stop the Bleeding

Is Your Bank Losing IT Talent to Fintechs? Here’s How to Stop the Bleeding

Nadish Lad

Nadish Lad, Global Head of Strategic Business, Volante Technologies

We’ve all heard about The Great Resignation currently sweeping America’s workforce. Statistics recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor revealed a record-setting 4.5 million people voluntarily left their jobs in November 2021, and the wave of resignations isn’t expected to slow down anytime soon.

Fed Now? RTP Instantly? ACH Today? The Fastest Path to Real Time Success

Fed Now? RTP Instantly? ACH Today? The Fastest Path to Real Time Success

Peter Hasselmann

Peter Hasselmann, Sales Director, Volante Technologies

Real-time payments are clearly the future of digital spending -- but how should banks choose which networks to support and whether to support multiple networks?

How ISO 20022 and Systems Thinking Can Help Banks Generate Greater ROI

Abhishek Tiwari

Abhishek Tiwari, Sr. Business Analyst, Volante Technologies

Generating greater ROI and revenue from ISO 20022 requires new approaches to thinking about implementation strategy beyond compliance. One such approach is Systems Thinking, a strategic thinking competency adopting a holistic approach to problem solving, focusing on the way system parts inter-relate and work within the larger system.

Reimagining Legacy Core Banking Technology

Kelly Hund

Kelly Hund, Inside Sales, North America, Volante Technologies

Reimagining banking technology starts at the core. As the number of real time payments is poised to triple this year, the demand for easily upgradeable, rock-solid systems without interruptions is growing.

Blurring The Faster And Real-Time Payments Divide

Abhishek Tiwari

Abhishek Tiwari, Sr. Business Analyst, Volante Technologies

Faster and near-real-time payments are rapidly becoming the worldwide norm. While payments are gaining in speed and reliability, there remains an important distinction between “faster” and “real-time” payments. Yet, both stand out in having unique use cases.

Real-time Intraday Liquidity Management – The Here and Now Imperative for Financial Institutions

Amarendra Gokhale

Amarendra Gokhale, Senior Director, Product Management, Volante Technologies

The accelerating change in the payments landscape is disrupting traditional banking service delivery models. Real-time intraday liquidity management is now a “must-have” capability, both for internal operations and customer-facing offerings.

How the Payments Industry Must Rise to the Challenges of Our Post-COVID World

Vijay Oddiraju

Vijay Oddiraju, CEO and Co-founder, Volante Technologies

Everyone reading this is aware of the profound impact of coronavirus on both the general public and businesses around the world – but what can we in the payments industry do to meet the changing needs of our post-COVID world?

Real-time Payments Poised to Triple This Year

Chris Wenning

Chris Wenning, North American Sales Director, Volante Technologies

If this prediction is borne out, it will be the fastest increase in RTP membership in the history of the network.

Partnerships for Real-time Payments

Domenico Scaffidi

Domenico Scaffidi, VP, Global Industry & Regulatory Affairs, Volante Technologies

How Volante is delivering the means for financial institutions to create high-impact outcomes.

The State of Real-Time Payments

Melissa Burns

Melissa Burns, Sales Director of Payments, Volante Technologies

A Q&A discussion on the evolution, adoption, and implementation of real-time payments.

Digital CX: What’s Holding Banks Back?

John Farrell

John Farrell, SVP & Global Head of Product Management, Volante Technologies

Consumers and businesses are struggling to get holistic, hassle-free customer experiences from their banking providers. What is preventing financial institutions from evolving in the direction their customers want?

The “Big Three” Drivers For Strategic Payments Modernization

Abhishek Tiwari

Abhishek Tiwari, Sr. Business Analyst, Volante Technologies

The emerging payments landscape is complex, but the drivers for modernization can be grouped into three broad categories: customer demand, regulatory innovation, and digital scalability.

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