
ISO 20022 messaging: Harnessing data as a product

With compliance deadlines fast approaching, banks and payment service providers (PSPs) must work with increased urgency to enable messaging over the ISO 20022 standard.

Two people presenting on stage with a data graph projected behind them

Why Cloud Is The Key To Unlock Digital Transformation In Latin America

Javiv Diep

Javiv Diep, Delivery Manager, Latin America, Volante Technologies

Digital transformation programmes are frequently driven by customer experience considerations in retail and consumer banking. This is particularly true in Latin America, where, despite the big push for digitalization, the overall penetration of banking services in LatAm remains low.

Ripple, Visa B2B, SWIFT gpi, Crypto, CBDCs: A Guide For The Perplexed

Ajay Singh Pundir

Ajay Singh Pundir, Director, Global Industry & Regulatory Affairs, Volante Technologies

Most traditional bank cross-border payment services are based on correspondent banking, which is slow, expensive, and opaque. Fortunately there are now a number of viable options for banks to rise to the challenge.

The Three C’s Shaping Payments as a Service

Domenico Scaffidi

Domenico Scaffidi, VP, Global Industry & Regulatory Affairs, Volante Technologies

Customer, Collaboration, and Cloud – three strategies for banks to consider to make the most of their PaaS integration.

Getting Real-Time Payments Up To Speed in Europe

Neil Clarke

Neil Clarke, Ecosystem Development Manager, Volante Technologies

European banks need to be ready for a new world of real-time payments -- but integrating interoperable payment systems, and innovating on top of them, is no mean feat.

The Race to Real-Time Payments

Arturo Moreno

Arturo Moreno, Senior Application Architect, Volante Technologies

While banks are under pressure to adapt and support real-time payments and other new and updated standards, there are a number of common challenges that first need to be overcome.

Accelerating Nordics Payments Modernisation: A Discussion On Driving Innovation

Amit Bhute

Amit Bhute, SVP, Global Head - Banking Practice at Virtusa

Virtusa's Amit Bhute sits down with Volante's Peter Larsson to discuss how ISO 20022 and real-time cross border payment capabilities are driving innovation.

Concerned About Security and Privacy in Payments? Here’s What You Need To Know

Ganesh Srinivasan

Ganesh Srinivasan, VP Compliance & Information Security, Volante Technologies

Business continuity and security need to be emphasized more than ever before, which involves arming ourselves with the most advanced technology available to foster resiliency, security and adaptability, no matter the circumstance.

The Imperative Shift of Payments to Cloud

Matthew Sarkar

Matthew Sarkar, Global Product and Content Manager, Volante Technologies

Financial institutions must consider modernization to the cloud to benefit from cost-reduction advantages and improve efficiency in a post-COVID world.

The Link Between Financial Inclusion and Digital Modernization in Latin America

Francisco Antonio Gomez Arellano

Francisco Antonio Gomez Arellano, Sales Director, Volante Technologies

The pandemic has led millions of people in Latin America to use the banking system for the first time. If banks want to be the providers of choice for digital customer experiences, they must modernize their technology infrastructures, fast.

Real-time Integrated Payables: The Killer Use Case For Real-time Payments?

Srinivas Chintakrinda

Srinivas Chintakrinda, Senior Director, Product Management, Volante Technologies

For RTP to become ubiquitous, the industry must find compelling use cases for real-time payments, particularly for corporate treasury clients. Real-time integrated payables are a good place to start.

How the Combination Of Data Analytics and ISO 20022 Create a More Inclusive But Profitable Banking Paradigm

Julie Guetta

Julie Guetta, Head of Payments Strategy, RedCompass Labs

Migration to the ISO 20022 format can allow banks to tap into the power of data analytics and unlock new opportunities to create a better banking ecosystem.

Down to the Wire: The Modernization of Wire Payments and the Opportunities for Banks

Vinay Prabhakar

Vinay Prabhakar, Chief Marketing Officer, Volante Technologies

Wire payments have come a long way since they were first used in 1871 as a way for people to transfer money electronically between a handful of big cities in the United States. Now, wire services and payment services in general are going through another period of innovation and modernization.

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